R.M.S. Titanic


After researching and researching and doing a little bit more research I am much more knowledgeable about the Titanic and what happened that night.  I will never know exactly what happened that night but through my research I have gained a better understand of what happened and some of the theories as to why the Titanic sank.  I personally believe that a few of the crew members, Captain Smith and the people who deemed the Titanic “unsinkable” were a bit arrogant which blinded them to what was really going on board the Titanic.  In the rush to get the largest man made moving object out on the waves they cut too many corners in her design and safety features.  The Titanic was a beautiful ship but it was almost like she was curse from the start with her close in counter with the New York, which her destination was.  As the Titanic was leaving, its mighty screw propellers created a suction which pulled the New York away from its spot towards the Titanic.  Lucky a tug boat was able to collect the New York before any real collision happened.  It was really fascinating learning about a topic that I find so interesting and having the ability to share it with others.


I gained more knowledge about the Titanic and her disastrous maiden voyage while completing this project.  There were quite a few shocking discoveries that I came across during my research.  For one I knew that they did not have enough life boats on board but I did not know that they still had more than they were required to have. I thought they would have had enough life boats on board because it was such big and experimental voyage.  I also got a few other perspectives on the controversy that surrounds the Titanic.  I enjoyed seeing all of the artifacts in the museum that I visited but I never really thought about how it might disrupt the memorial site.  It opened my mind so that I can see both sides now.  I still like the ability to see the artifacts up close and personal but I can also understand those who have the desire to let them remain with the Titanic.  It is much more than a wrecked ship at the bottom of the ocean.  It’s the gravesite and memorial for the passengers who were killed in the sinking.  The Titanic brought men, women and children down with her to the bottom of the ocean and some of them could have been saved.  I see is as a lesson for those who feel they can outsmart nature and become too focused on what is unimportant compared to the lives of others.

Below is the Competency Goal that I would use to teach this topic in social studies lesson.

Social Studies 5th grade:
Competency Goal 6: The learner will recognize how technology has influenced change within the United States and other countries in North America.

Without the changing technology in the ships that cross the ocean there would be less people moving around the world.  The United States and the rest of North America would be changed. It would change what we grow, what we make because it would be difficult to import.  Help the students understand that with changes in technology comes progress in everything else. The Titanic is a good example of how technology changes and what one tragedy can lead to for future travel. Have the students create a timeline of the changes in technology that effect travel.